The Band Ouro: Recording our Debut EP

After playing music with Sean McCann and Shane Hurtado for the better part of a decade, we're finally recording our debut EP with Ouro this Friday, May 17th, at Dark Horse Recording Studio in Franklin, TN. Some of the songs on this EP have existed in one iteration or another for nearly six years. Some are brand new. All will be released this year. I might as well post the track list below. 


To The Surface

For Misery

No Mystery

Broken Love

Bare Bones


We'll be making a video of our time in the studio, and will begin touring on these songs this Summer. A Kickstarter for the promotion and production of the record will be shared for those kind and brave enough to invest in the process! 


It's been nearly three years since I've released music. Due to events in my personal life, and struggles with my mental health, I wasn't even sure if I was ever going to release music publicly again. Nonetheless, I buried my head and busted my ass learning as much as I could about musical performance and production in the hopes that one day I would navigate the craggy recesses of my mind. Now, as I stand at the precipice of that dark crater, I have never felt more confident and excited about a collection of music I've taken part in. This is going to be the best work I've ever produced. I'm ready to share it.